At this time of year, most of us will be wearing our favourite pair of sunglasses daily. With this in mind, we wanted to share a few simple tips to keep them looking as good as new:
Try not to wear them on your head. Although convenient, wearing sunglasses or spectacles on your head can stretch out the temples and flatten the frame front.

When they’re not on your face, keep them in their case. This will not only prevent scuffs but will stop any natural distortion of your eyewear over time.

Take them off with both hands. This may sound like a strange one, but taking your frames off single-handedly is one of the easiest ways to mess with the fit by repetitively tugging at one side.

Finally, make sure to clean them regularly with a lens spray to prevent a build-up of the skin’s natural oils, makeup or suncream.

If this advice has come a little too late and you need some professional up-keep, stop by our Chiltern Street store to chat with our team about reshaping, polishing, ultra-sonic cleaning and more.